写下面文本到文件 /home/sftp/check_frps.sh
# author: hellodk
# time: 2021-05-28 16:14:26
# script feature description: check if frps is running, if not, start it
function check_frps(){
time3=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
frpsCount=`ps aux | grep "/usr/local/frp/frps -c /usr/local/frp/frps.ini" |grep -v grep |wc -l`
if [ 0 == $frpsCount ]; then
echo $time3 "current running frps process count: "$frpsCount ", meaning frps daemon is dead, now start it" >> /home/sftp/check_frps.log
nohup /usr/bin/systemctl start frp >> /home/sftp/check_frps.log 2>&1 &
echo $time3 "current running frps process count: "$frpsCount ", and no need to start frps" >> /home/sftp/check_frps.log
执行也是正常,日志打印也正常,但就是在我的那台硬件配置比较差的vps上总是无法使用 crontab 保存执行
每次使用 crontab -e
新增一行然后保存退出,成功提示crontab: installing new crontab
在狗东薅羊毛控制面板(web端)直接编辑了这个cron list,成功新增一行,web的提示是成功修改了 crontab.list
文件,后面通过 find 命令找到了
# find / -name crontab.list
需要额外重点关注:crontab -e 命令编辑的文件是 /var/spool/cron 目录下的具体的用户名文件 比如 root, 具体文件是 /var/spool/cron/root
0 0-23/1 * * * bash /home/sftp/check_frps.sh
, 含义是每隔一小时执行一次这个 shell 脚本 或者 0 */1 * * * bash /home/sftp/check_frps.sh
将这行新增到 /opt/jd/config/crontab.list
# tail -n 15 /home/sftp/check_frps.log
2021-06-06 20:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-06 21:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-06 22:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-06 23:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 00:00:04 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 01:00:02 current running frps process count: 0 , meaning frps daemon is dead, now start it
2021-06-07 02:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 03:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 04:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 05:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 06:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 07:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 08:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 09:00:01 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps
2021-06-07 10:00:02 current running frps process count: 1 , and no need to start frps

为啥不直接用 systemd →_→
虽然 systemd 更好用 我也很喜欢 哈哈