iCloud 在 Windows 下很流氓,用 taskkill 干掉它
iCloud 在 windows 下是真的流氓。
主界面,没有退出功能。点击 close 并不能退出程序
我们打开一个管理员权限下的 cmd 窗口,用 tasklist
和 taskkill
C:\Windows\System32>tasklist |findstr icloud // 应该查询 iCloud 应区分大小写
C:\Windows\System32>tasklist |findstr iCloud
iCloudCKKS.exe 18604 Console 1 19,140 K
iCloudServices.exe 15212 Console 1 21,592 K
iCloudDrive.exe 21864 Console 1 31,716 K
C:\Windows\System32>taskkill -f -t -im iCloudCKKS.exe
SUCCESS: The process with PID 18604 (child process of PID 10792) has been terminated.
C:\Windows\System32>taskkill -f -t -im iCloudServices.exe
SUCCESS: The process with PID 4540 (child process of PID 13800) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 13800 (child process of PID 15568) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 20860 (child process of PID 15568) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 20876 (child process of PID 15568) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 20956 (child process of PID 15568) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 21196 (child process of PID 15568) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 15568 (child process of PID 15212) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 15212 (child process of PID 1540) has been terminated.
C:\Windows\System32>taskkill -f -t -im iCloudDrive.exe
SUCCESS: The process with PID 21864 (child process of PID 1984) has been terminated.
C:\Windows\System32>tasklist |findstr iCloud
使用 tasklist |findstr iCloud
找到存活的 iCloud 相关进程,使用如下命令杀死他们
taskkill -f -t -im iCloudCKKS.exe
taskkill -f -t -im iCloudServices.exe
taskkill -f -t -im iCloudDrive.exe
taskkill -f -t -im iCloudOutlookConfig64.exe